Thursday, May 16, 2013
Butterfly Life Cycle Acrostic Poem
We read a non-fiction piece on butterflies in our anthologies this past week. This was a good review of what we learned in Science during April. We came up with this acrostic poem as a group using each letter to describe a stage in the butterfly life cycle.

Animal Research
During the 3rd trimester, each girl researched a favorite animal. We used books and the Ipads to learn facts about our animals. Then, with the help of Ms. P in the tech lab, we organized our research into a Power Point presentation. Mrs. Crowley combined all of the presentations into one Photostory for you to enjoy! The girls did a fabulous job with this research project!!
Monday, May 6, 2013
Our Earth Day Play
The girls worked so hard preparing this Readers Theater piece, The Earth Day Hen and Friends. Each girl had a role to play and the girls brought in items from home to use as a costume. This play teaches us ways we can take care of the Earth by recycling and composting. Happy Earth Day!
Monday, April 15, 2013
Grandparents Tea Photo Story
We had so much fun at the Grandparents Tea! It was so nice spending time with our special guests. Enjoy this Photo Story we made from pictures Mrs. Crowley took on Friday. :)
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Back to Blogging!!
We all had a wonderful spring break and now we are back and ready to blog! This week we have been spending much of our time preparing for the Grandparent's Tea on Friday! Today at Morning Meeting we created a "Tagxedo" with the names we call our grandparents. We are so excited for this special event!

Thursday, March 14, 2013
Reading with our Big Sisters!
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Spectacular Spanish
Enjoy this video of the girls reciting a meal they created in Spanish! We are so lucky to have Senora Maria to teach us this language!
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
A LOVE-ly Guided Reading Response
Check out this "animoto" created by Julianna, Reagan, and Audrey S. after we read a Valentine book during Guided Reading last week.
Make a video of your own at Animoto.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Super Science: Density Tower Experiment
We have started learning about the states of matter. This week we focused on solids and liquids. Yesterday we all worked together to create a density tower by pouring different types of liquids into a glass jar. We learned that different liquids have different densities and that is what created the layers in our tower. We also dropped in a few different types of solids to see if they sunk or floated. The results were so cool!! Follow this link to see how you can recreate the experiment at home!http://www.stevespanglerscience.com/experiment/density-tower-magic-with-science
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Welcome to China!
We created a large-scale travel brochure which is on display outside of our classroom. The girls researched facts about different aspects of Chinese culture using the Ipads. We used National Geographic for Kids and United Streaming to help in our research. Next the girls printed sentences and searched the web for pictures which we attached to our hallway brochure. We typed this brochure as a group, using Microsoft Publisher, for you to see on our blog. The pictures below show the inside and outside of our brochure.

Thursday, February 7, 2013
Another GREAT Guided Reading response!!
Saoirse, Lexie, Maddon, McKayla, and Audrey N. created this "Voki" with facts they learned while reading a non-fiction book about scientist, George Washington Carver.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Learning from our 7th grade friends!
This morning some of the 7th grade students in Mrs. Loftus' Religion class came to teach us mini lessons about Jesus. Some of the lessons focused on Jesus' miracles, his death, and resurrection. The girls enjoyed spending time with the older girls today. We were impressed by their teaching and activities!
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Great Guided Reading Work!
Check out a glogster made by two of our guided reading groups. More samples from other guided reading groups coming soon!
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Facts About the Sun with Kidspiration
This month we are learning about the Solar System. We just finished up talking about moon phases and began talking about the sun today. Here are some things we learned today!
Monday, January 7, 2013
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
We started learning about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.. Here are some facts we learned today:
1. He was a very peaceful man.
2. Many African Americans were treated unfairly. African Americans could not go to the same schools and restaurants as white people. They had to sit in the back of the bus.
3. When the African Americans stopped riding the buses, they walked instead and Martin joined them. Eventually, that law was changed and they could sit wherever they wanted.
4. Sometimes Martin was arrested for doing the right thing.
5. He was born in Georgia.
6. When Martin was little he was not allowed to play with his white friends.
7. His first job was a minister.
8. He married Coretta Scott.
9. He gave a famous speech in Washington, D.C. "I have a dream..."
10. He never used violence to get his way.
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