Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Rainforest Facts

In ELA we are reading Red Eyed Tree Frog. This non-fiction story gives great information and photos about the rainforest. Check out what we learned...

Red eyed tree frogs sleep during the day.

A katydid is an insect that lives in the rainforest.

An iguana is a lizard.

Red eyed tree frogs eat moths.

The weather in the rainforest is hot and rainy which makes it steamy.

The trees can be 200 ft. tall.

A boa is a snake that likes to eat frogs.

Some animals stay up in the trees all the time.

Red eyed tree frogs can jump very far.


  1. I think the rain forest is cool.

  2. Great facts about the Rain Forest. What is your favorite animal in the Rain Forest? The Red Eye Tree Frogs sound pretty neat ...

  3. Thank you for your question! Here are our favorite rainforest animals:

    Maddie- toucan
    Jackie- macaw
    Lisa- boa snake
    Abigail- red eyed tree frog
    Maggie- iguana
    Makenna- poisonous caterpillar
    Emily- katydid
    Mrs. Crowley- red eyed tree frog :)
