Tuesday, November 6, 2012

We are voters!

To finish up our study of the U.S.A. we discussed the election and the importance of voting. We learned about the different ways to vote and talked about times we need to vote on things. We applied this knowledge to the presidential election and participated in a mock election today in our classroom. Each girl visited the "1A Voting Booth" to cast their vote for president. We used a paper clip and placed it in a sealed container labeled with the candidates' names. Each girl received a "Good Citizen" certificate which we hung in the hallway. After everyone voted, Mrs. Crowley counted the votes and in our class election Barack Obama won. We are excited to find out who wins the real election!!


  1. Wonderful 1A US citizens - nice work in participating in an election :)

  2. Good job ladies. Everyone should vote.

  3. Thank you, we enjoyed voting on Tuesday!
